In The News
Pullman Wheelworks Youth Design...
On August 23rd, Mercy Housing Lakefront, Dr Pepper Snapple Group and KaBOOM! will work with community members, volunteers and residents to build a new playground at the Pullman Wheelworks Apartments. The completed playground will provide more than 200 children at the building with a new, safe place to play. In June, the youth at the
Read MoreMercy Housing Northwest Celebrates...
Mercy Housing Northwest Celebrates Rural Preservation Milestone – Newly renovated affordable housing communities provide safe and affordable housing for Washington State seniors
Read MoreThe Spirit of Art lives on...
By: José A. Vega, Senior Property Manager at Mission Creek To celebrate the 30-year Anniversary of Mercy Housing, the residents and staff of Mission Creek Senior Community in San Francisco organized an Art Exhibit. The exhibit was displayed at the property dining hall from June 11th through June 14th. With the music of a pianist
Read MoreInterstate Restoration charity...
Last week, Interstate Restoration’s 9th annual charity golf tournament yielded $21,000 to benefit Mercy Housing, namely residents that were displaced from a fire that broke out at Mercy Housing’s Franconia Apartments in May. “Interstate’s donation comes at a crucial time, as we are trying to support our residents during their temporary displacement until they are
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Please Join Mercy Housing for...
Please join Mercy Housing Lakefront and Mercy Portfolio Services for a Historic Pullman & Roseland Mission Bus Tour showcasing comprehensive community development.
Read MoreHousing and Health Care: Listening...
“The greatest compliment that was ever paid to me was when one asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer.” — Henry David Thoreau National research and practice increasingly demonstrate the critical connection between stable housing and improved health. However, housing and health care too often operate as distinct fields, rarely recognizing their
Read MoreMercy Housing Engages 220 Executives...
On June 4th, 220 government, foundation, financial, real estate, and community leaders participated in Mercy Housing’s fifth annual community development “think tank” at the University Club of Chicago. The event highlighted emerging opportunities and engaged participants in small group discussions to create practical solutions to address the foreclosure crisis, create affordable housing, and provide services
Read MoreMercy Riders – Pushing Pedals,...
3,800 miles – that is the distance the Mercy Riders have pledged to bike in an effort to raise awareness and funds for Mercy Housing. The group is slated to begin their nearly 7-week ride across America this Friday, June 14th in San Francisco. The Mercy Riders include eight individuals – six riders and two
Read MoreTransforming Lives - Feel Better...
This summer, Mercy Housing Lakefront’s residents and staff will challenge each other to get healthy through the 2nd Annual Feel Better Challenge. The 8-week health and wellness challenge will kick off on June 17th. Participants will assess their health, set goals, and work to accomplish their goals through a variety of nutrition and physical health
Read MoreMather assisted housing project...
Source: Sacramento Business Journal Rancho Cordova city officials think a new assisted housing project for disabled homeless veterans near Mather Airport could be months away from breaking ground, after the city council approved a pair of needed entitlements for the Mather Veterans Village this week. Reed Flory, housing services administrator for the city of Rancho
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