In The News

Thanks to decades of advocacy, new affordable family homes are coming soon to San Francisco’s Treasure Island. This summer, residents of Treasure Island and affordable housing stakeholders celebrated the groundbreaking of Star View Court, a new seven-story, 138-unit, 210,586 square-foot affordable home development and collaboration between Mercy Housing California and Catholic Charities of San Francisco,

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On September 10, Mercy Housing Holly Park residents celebrated National Grandparent’s Day with a special guest…Cookie Monster! Along with community partner United Healthcare, Mercy Housing welcomed Cookie Monster, who spent time taking photos with the kids (and adults, too), handing out brand new Sesame Street books, and giving high fives to new friends. As hard

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A new mental health initiative is coming soon for some Mercy Housing Northwest (MHNW) residents. Thanks to a $536,798 grant from community partner, HealthierHere, MHNW is rolling out new programming to seven MHNW communities focused on mental and behavioral health. HealthierHere is a King County nonprofit that works with other area nonprofits helping to implement

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OLII PLACE OPENS IN MAUDLIN, S.C.  The word “olii” means “friendship” in the Cherokee language, and on August 8, Mercy Housing Southeast celebrated the grand opening of Olii Place in Mauldin, South Carolina. This new community, built on lands once inhabited by Cherokee people, is home to 46 families. We were thrilled to partner with

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We are excited to announce that the Grand Opening for Thrive Sweet Auburn will take place in 2023! Mercy Housing Southeast has partnered with Project Community Connections (PCCI) to build this mixed-use development, including 117 affordable housing apartment homes and commercial space. 20% of the new apartments will be designated for permanent supportive housing. The

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Mercy Housing California President Doug Shoemaker recently penned an op-ed for Healthcare Business Today. In it, Doug talks about the ways hospitals and affordable housing providers can work together to create genuinely healthy communities. Read the entire op-ed here  

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National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated annually from September 15 to October 15 and honors the Hispanic and Latino American cultures and contributions rooted in Latin American countries. It celebrates the many ways these communities have both influenced and contributed to our society. The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary

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Dayron Blackwell’s title may read “Case Manager II” at Mercy Housing’s Clare Gardens, but to residents and staff, he is so much more. A friend. A mentor. A trusted colleague. A leader. A ray of sunshine. A difference maker. Dayron has mastered the art of wearing many different hats. Born in Dallas, TX., Dayron has

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“Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August.” – Jenny Han Mercy Housing Southeast (MHSE)  Thanks to the city of Savannah, 25 kids at Savannah Gardens Apartments attended Camp Mercy over the summer. This six-week day camp included outdoor sports and science and sprinkled in a lot of fun. The kids

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Mercy PeaceHealth Family is now Columbia Heights Mercy Housing Northwest and PeaceHealth celebrated the grand opening of Columbia Heights, an affordable housing community, on August 24, 2022. Located at 408 Northeast 93rd Avenue, Columbia Heights provides 69 affordable homes for families in Vancouver, Washington. The property features a spacious community room with a kitchen, computer

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