Nov 01Eagle Kiwanis Club Donates InstaPots to Senior Residents
It all began as a simple conversation. Ellie Griffin, Resident Services Coordinator at Sisters Villa, Eagle Senior Village, and 12th & River, was talking with Twila Dover, a local food bank representative, about a desire to address some of the food security challenges facing the senior residents who call the three communities, “home.” Not all residents know how to utilize all the food available to them through the food pantry. Thinking out loud, Ellie thought a cooking class using food bank donations seemed like a simple solution.
Moved by the conversation, Twila shared the idea with her husband, Pete Dover, President of the Eagle Kiwanis Club. From there, the idea began to grow.
Working alongside Ellie and residents from Sisters Villa, Eagle Senior Village, and 12th & River, the Eagle Kiwanis Club raised $5,000 and purchased 57 brand-new InstaPots for residents. With every new kitchen gadget, there is a learning curve. To overcome this challenge, Ellie will offer a class on how to use the new appliance followed by six classes filled with tips and tricks on healthy cooking.
On behalf of the residents at Sisters Villa, Eagle Senior Village, and 12th & River, we want to thank the Eagle Kiwanis Club for their generous donation. We also want to thank them for being a powerful example of what can happen when a community rallies together.
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