Jun 07Volunteer Spotlight: Melissa Clayton
Our very own Asset Management team volunteered during Volunteer Week in Colorado and helped clean up the community garden at Grace Apartments. Melissa Clayton, a Mercy Housing senior leader, shared why volunteering holds a special place in her heart:
What is your role at Mercy Housing?
I am the Senior Vice President of National Portfolio Management. Our team is responsible for the physical and financial health of our properties around the country.
Why did the Asset Management team choose to do this project?
Grace Apartments has a special place in my heart because of the immigrant population that we serve there that comes from all around the world.
How did volunteering make you feel? What about the team as a whole?
It made me feel good to help the families prepare their garden plots and get them ready to plant for the summer. The garden helps families reduce their food costs.
Why is it important to you to volunteer with Mercy Housing?
It makes me very happy to serve others and to give back.
Interested in Volunteering?
Volunteer Opportunities | Mercy Housing Mountain Plains
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