Oct 14Batter Up! 93-Year-Old Throws Ceremonial Pitch
Kenosha Kingfish Baseball Game Featured Mercy Housing Resident
Marvin was born in Kenosha, WI, and raised by a single mother with seven other siblings. His two older brothers excelled at baseball. “One of them tried out for the Detroit Tigers,” Marvin proudly states. Witnessing his brothers play baseball cultivated his passion for watching the sport.
Marvin’s love for baseball didn’t go unnoticed. In July 2022, Marvin was invited to throw the first pitch at a Kenosha Kingfish baseball game as an Army veteran. “They took me out to the field, and they announced who I was. You’re out there all by yourself and all those people are clapping—must be a star. That was quite the occasion,” Marvin remembers.
Earlier in his life, Marvin served in the military and was stationed in Germany for two years. When he returned home, Marvin completed coursework at Marquette University before leaving to work in the retail industry to support himself.
Marvin lived for 20 years in an apartment he loved, but as he got older, he needed a more accessible home. “I finally decided, ‘I can’t do it anymore,’ so I made an application for Mercy Housing.” Within a year, Marvin moved into his new home at Assisi Homes of Kenosha.
Marvin has been a resident of Assisi Homes of Kenosha for the past eight years. As a veteran, Marvin receives care from Veterans Affairs (VA) service providers, as well as a doctor he sees often in Kenosha. “Basically, my health has been pretty good, thank God.” Marvin imparts his outlook on life as he reflects on the experiences he’s had.
“Some days it’s good, some days it’s not that good. You try to keep a good outlook, but you never know what the day’s going to bring. Sometimes things happen during the day that you didn’t plan on, but sometimes it’s good. Just take it day by day.”
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