Dec 13What We’re Building: Homes, Retail, and More!
Opened in late 2019, Casala is now a thriving community providing 55 homes to families with low incomes, including 41 homes for long-time residents and 14 homes for newcomers to the neighborhood. The building has been celebrated for its striking architectural features and resident friendly design. Residents enjoy the second floor outdoor courtyard with a full barbecue and picnic area, a playground, and shared gardens. In the spacious community room, resident services staff lead social programming bringing together neighbors of all ages.
Honors: 2020: PCBC Gold Nugget, Award of Merit, Affordable Housing Community Under 60 Units per Acre
Architects: HKIT Architects and Y.A. studio
After watching their neighbors thrive at Casala, Sunnydale residents are now eagerly applying to move from their current apartments to 290 Malosi. 290 Malosi is an expansive, 167-home community which was completed in autumn of 2021, and will soon be home to 125 families who are long-time residents of Sunnydale. An additional 41 low-income families from other parts of San Francisco will also call this new community home. Standing tall at the corner of two major thoroughfares, 290 Malosi represents the significant neighborhood transformation underway at Sunnydale HOPE SF. Two current Sunnydale residents will have the opportunity to operate licensed, home-based childcare businesses in their new apartments, which have been designed to accommodate their entrepreneurship with an extra childcare room and connection to secure play space. In addition to expanding childcare options in the neighborhood, these small, family-operated businesses will enable residents to benefit financially from the investment in their community.
Honors: 2019: PCBC Gold Nugget, Award of Merit, Best-on-the-Boards Affordable Housing Community
Architect: Levy Design Partners
With the completion of 290 Malosi, Sunnydale’s sights are now set on Block 3. The contractor team of Nibbi & Baines recently broke ground at the site of this future community, which will feature 170 spacious, affordable homes above 20,000 feet of ground-floor retail space, a wellness center, and an early learning program for young children. Mercy Housing’s retail leasing staff are currently searching for a high quality grocery operator to fill the key retail goal of providing fresh, affordable food in the community.
Architect: David Baker Architects
Building Great Jobs
Sunnydale residents have historically faced obstacles to securing the kinds of stable, well-paying jobs that many San Franciscans enjoy. We are excited that our general contractors for 290 Malosi and Block 3 have committed to clearing away these obstacles by piloting a partnership program to train, hire, promote, and prioritize Sunnydale residents for all construction jobs. The effort is co-led by Nibbi Brothers, one of Mercy Housing’s most trusted collaborators, and Baines Group, Inc., a Black-owned firm with specific experience in affordable housing development and a history of creating pathways to employment for people with criminal records.
Our general contractors performed extensive outreach, delivered onsite training to potential resident candidates, and continue to maintain a list of work-ready residents to fill new openings. To date, Nibbi and Baines have hired and trained 73 Sunnydale residents who have helped build the homes you see on this page. One of these residents is now a homeowner as a result of his success in this new career. We salute these workers for their excellent efforts to rejuvenate their neighborhood, and thank Nibbi and Baines for their commitment to equitable workforce development.
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