3 Ways Homes Affect Health

3 Ways Homes Affect Health

A stable affordable home is what the doctor ordered … no really. There’s a growing body of research proving that affordable housing with services supports people’s health. Here are just a few of the trends we’re seeing:

3 Ways Homes Affect Health

1. Can Reduce Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension, and Arthritis

No, simply moving into affordable housing doesn’t magically make people lose weight. But access to healthy food pantries, after school programming, and healthcare is what makes it easier to take care of yourself. A case-study in Chicago showed a difference of 9%-11% in diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and arthritis rates.

*source: Leveraging The Social Determinants of Health: What Works?

3 Ways Homes Affect Health

2. Saves Money Spent on Healthcare

When a home offers a little predictability in your life, it’s easier to plan and prepare, and that can save money. One analysis of Medicaid claims, demonstrated a 55% decrease in total monthly Medicaid costs.

*source: Leveraging The Social Determinants of Health: What Works?

3 Ways Homes Affect Health

3. Fewer ER Visits

When money is tight, people are less likely to go to a primary care doctor. That can let small problems turn into big health emergencies, sending people to the ER. When affordable homes offer access to better healthcare services, this issue can be reduced. A study in Oregon reported 14% fewer ER visits when people had things like case management, community building exercises, and counseling, Medicaid participants reported a 14% decline in ER visits.

*source: Leveraging The Social Determinants of Health: What Works?