Oct 10Mercy Housing California Pipeline: Ending Homelessness with 710 New Homes
Permanent supportive housing (PSH) combines affordable housing and supportive services designed to meet the unique and heightened needs of the most vulnerable: people that have experienced chronic homelessness, individuals struggling with mental health and/or addiction, and those with other barriers to housing.
According to the Corporation for Supportive Housing, studies in six different states and cities found that supportive housing results in tenants’ decreased use of homeless shelters, hospitals, emergency rooms, jails, and prisons. Because of those results, public understanding of PSH as a solution to chronic homelessness has grown exponentially in the last decade.
With the passage of local and state funding measures and the Mental Health Services Act (Proposition 63), many local governments are encouraging or requiring the inclusion of PSH units in their funding programs. That funding has given Mercy Housing an opportunity to expand our supportive housing pipeline which now includes 710 apartments in two types of buildings:
a) 100% PSH communities;
b) mixed development in which PSH represents 10% to 30% of the homes.
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