Dozens of kids living in two Mercy Housing communities now have bikes, thanks to Holland & Hart LLP and Wish for Wheels!
On July 20th and 21st, 2017 Holland & Hart LLP, a leading, full service, national law firm teamed up with Wish for Wheels, a nonprofit that gives bikes to kids from low-income families, to build 75 bikes and deliver them to the children living at Grace Apartments and Bluff Lake Apartments, two Mercy Housing communities in Denver, Colorado. Bluff Lake Apartments provides affordable housing and Resident Services to families with low incomes, while Grace Apartments gives refugees a safe place to rebuild their lives.

The 20 Holland & Hart employees met in the afternoon to do a “team build” with Wish for Wheels. “It never gets old,” said Tom Iskiyan, a long-time volunteer with Wish for Wheels. “You’re always getting back more than you give. The best part is meeting the people from Holland & Hart, watching them get joy out of what they’re doing. And then seeing the faces of the children who get the bikes, seeing the faces of the parents, who sometimes cry, it’s very moving.”
After the bikes were built, the two organizations delivered them to the Mercy Housing communities. As dozens of kids came pouring in to claim their bikes, Wish for Wheels and Holland & Hart employees distributed helmets, adjusted the bikes’ seat heights, and made sure that kids knew how to ride safely.
“We like what Wish for Wheels does,” said Lee Gray, JD, a partner at Holland & Hart LLP and chairman of the Holland & Hart Foundation Committee. “We think all kids should be able to have bikes. We love seeing how excited the kids are, it’s very rewarding.”

The bikes will encourage the Mercy Housing kids to spend time outside and exercise. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes, children and teenagers who exercise regularly are less likely to develop heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and a host of other health conditions.
Many thanks to the hardworking Holland & Hart employees, Wish for Wheels, and the dedicated staff at Bluff Lake Apartments and Grace Apartments for bringing bikes to these eager riders!
About Holland & Hart LLP
As one of the oldest firms in Denver and the head office of the largest Colorado-based firm, members of Holland & Hart’s Denver office continue the spirit of pioneering and innovation imbued by founders Joe Holland & Steven Hart 70 years ago.
More than 200 attorneys in the Denver office access in-depth knowledge of industry and market opportunities to counsel businesses that thrive along the Front Range, including aerospace, construction, emerging growth, energy, financial, healthcare, life sciences, manufacturing, minerals, natural resources, oil and gas, real estate, recreation and resorts, technology, and telecommunications.
For more information about Holland & Hart LLP, please visit their website hollandhart.com/denver.
About Wish for Wheels
Wish for Wheels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that gives brand new bicycles and helmets to kids in low income communities. Founded in 2004, their first giveaway made it clear that the bikes bring health and happiness into kids’ lives and for that reason, they are committed to making a difference. Their unique model bundles corporate philanthropy, team-building, and employee engagements through bike builds, to deliver brand new bikes to kids in the community. They are successful thanks to the generosity of their corporate partners and volunteers in the community. To learn more about Wish for Wheels, visit their website at wishforwheels.org.
About Mercy Housing
Mercy Housing, Inc. (MHI), is a leading national affordable housing nonprofit headquartered in Denver, Colo. Established by the Sisters of Mercy in 1981, and in operation in 41 states, MHI has 35 years’ experience developing, preserving, managing, and financing affordable housing. MHI supplements much of its housing with Resident Services, programs that help residents build stable lives. MHI’s subsidiaries further the organization’s mission: Mercy Housing Management Group (MHMG) offers professional property management and Mercy Loan Fund (MLF) finances nonprofit organizations. MHI serves tens of thousands of people with low incomes, including families, seniors, veterans, people who have experienced homelessness, and people with disabilities. Its mission is to build a more humane world where poverty is alleviated, communities are healthy, and all people can live to their full potential. To learn more about MHI and the services it provides, visit mercyhousing.org.
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