Jul 26Mercy Housing Kids Get Moving with New PE Program

Kids who get regular exercise are less stressed, feel better about themselves, sleep better at night, and are healthier in general than kids who don’t. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), exercise helps children and teenagers build healthy bones and muscles, control weight, reduce anxiety and stress, increase self-esteem, and may improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Knowing how important exercise is to a child’s mental and physical well being, we’re thrilled to announce that we now offer the SPARK After School Physical Activity Program as part of our Out-of-School Time Resident Services. We offer the program at Grace Apartments and Holly Park Apartments in the Denver area.
SPARK is an evidence-based program that helps get kids moving through physical activity and movement games. In addition to providing much-needed physical activity, SPARK is designed to help kids learn about their health, improve their motor skills, and provide a safe space for social engagement.
SPARK started in June 2016 and will continue for at least two years, thanks to funding from the Colorado Health Foundation. The program gives kids aged five to 14 a chance to have fun, move, and play three times a week.
To learn more about SPARK, visit their website.
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