Jul 01Mercy Housing and City of Wheatland Celebrate Completion of Affordable Housing Reconstruction
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Wheatland, CA—Mercy Housing and the City of Wheatland celebrated the completion of the reconstruction of Sunset Valley Duplexes in Wheatland, Calif. on June, 29, 2016. These 88 affordable rental homes are much needed as the state and national affordable housing crises continue, and in many places worsen.
Supported by the City of Wheatland’s commitment to improve the quality of life for city residents and modernize an aging neighborhood hampered by flood plain re-designation in 2010, Mercy Housing began refinancing efforts early. It started by coordinating with the three state agencies responsible for the project’s initial funding in the mid-1990s. Acquired by Mercy Housing’s affiliate Rural California Housing Corporation in 1993-94, the state funding allowed for a substantial renovation that converted the dilapidated housing into quality affordable duplexes for families.
By 2010, however, aging systems began to show significant replacement needs that were far beyond the scale that rents cold afford. A 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credit allocation was finally achieved in 2013. At this time, a rehabilitation project wasn’t practical, given the need to raise the structures one foot above the flood map level.
A plan to demolish every structure and rebuild from scratch was the only way to achieve sustainable operations. The demolition and rebuilding was done in phases. Residents were required to locate once before they moved into their brand new homes.
“Today is truly a celebratory day,” said Doug Shoemaker, President of Mercy Housing California. “We were delighted to work with the City of Wheatland on this much-needed affordable housing, and it is certainly gratifying to see so many people returned to their beautiful, remodeled homes.”

“We are very proud of what Mercy Housing California has accomplished with the complete re-construction of Sunset Valley Duplexes,” said James Pendergraph, Mayor of Wheatland. “These new homes have greatly enhanced our community. The residents who live here are very happy and take pride in their new homes. And because they are happy and proud, the City of Wheatland is happy and proud!”
The event took place at the property and speakers included Doug Shoemaker, President of Mercy Housing California; James Pendergraph, Mayor of the City of Wheatland; Ben Metcalf, Director of the California Department of Housing and Community Development; Laura Whitall-Scherfee, Deputy Director of the Division of Financial Assistance of the California Department of Housing and Communtiy Development; Rose Guerrero, Chief of Compliance Section of the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee; John Kauh, Senior Vice President of Community Lending and Investments, Wells Fargo; and Marilyn Nichols, a resident of Sunset Valley Duplexes.
The units include 43 duplexes, one four-bedroom house, one five-bedroom house, and a community building, and are equipped with modern, energy-efficient systems to reduce the property’s ecological footprint. The project’s architects were Anders and Falltrick Architects, and the General Contractor was Imperial Contracting. Civil engineering was managed by Cunningham Engineering.
About Mercy Housing
Mercy Housing California (MHC) is the largest regional division of Mercy Housing, Inc. (MHI), a national affordable housing nonprofit headquartered in Denver, CO and founded in 1981. Our mission is to create stable, vibrant, and healthy communities by developing, financing, and operating affordable, program-enriched housing for families, seniors, and people with special needs who lack the economic resources to access quality, safe housing opportunities.
In addition to Sunset Valley Duplexes and numerous projects in development statewide, MHC has developed more than 140 rental properties across 36 California counties serving low- and very-low-income working families, senior citizens, people who are homeless, people with disabilities, persons living with HIV/AIDS, and people with disabilities. To learn more about Mercy Housing, please visit www.mercyhousing.org.
Rick Sprague
Regional Vice President of Philanthropy, Mercy Housing California
Lisa Thomason
City of Wheatland
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