Feb 21Support the Affordable Homes Act
In Washington state, House Bill 2276, sponsored by Rep. April Berg (D-44), and Senate Bill 6191, sponsored by Senator Noel Frame (D-36), collectively known as the Affordable Homes Act, would create a permanent and dedicated funding source for affordable housing in Washington State by adding a modest 1% to a new program mirroring existing real estate excise tax on properties that sell for more than $3.025 million.
According to the Economic Opportunity Institute, nearly one million households in Washington are cost burdened. This means 31.6% of our neighbors are spending 50% of their income on shelter. To complicate matters, we need to build 1.1 million more homes over the next 20 years to keep up with the demands of a growing population. That is 55,000 homes a year!
Affordable homes make stories like Hezza’s possible.
A dedicated funding source for affordable housing in Washington state has long been the aim of Mercy Housing Northwest. This legislation does that and so much more. Beyond funding the Housing Trust Fund, the bills create a new program for affordable housing for people with developmental disabilities.
We urge you to reach out to your representatives and ask for their support for the Affordable Home Act.
To find your legislator, visit the Washington State Legislature District Finder.
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