Oct 01Back On Track
Your support to Mercy Housing allows residents to not only have homes, but also provides many with the Resident Services and programs that have helped them get back on track after the worst of the pandemic. You may remember Dominque, who had many challenges due to the pandemic. She was working full-time as a security guard before it hit. “When COVID started, I couldn’t work anymore because my kids were at home… I worked the night shift, so I couldn’t be there in the morning to help them get ready for school.”
To make matters more challenging, her sister moved. Dominique relied on her sister as a primary babysitter. Because her children have asthma, COVID-19 loomed as an even bigger threat. Dominique had no choice but to put her career on hold and stay at home to watch the kids. “I’m just trying to pay the utility bills and the rent… it’s been hard.”
However, with your help, Dominique and many other residents have been able to go back to relative normalcy. As she reflects on her time living at Washington Courts, Dominique said, “I’m blessed to [now] have a roof over me and my kids heads… We’ve been through a lot financially, emotionally… Mercy has helped me out a lot, I mean that mentally and emotionally, as well.”
We truly value your contributions that allow our staff and programs to make a difference in the lives of people who haven’t had it so easy. Thank you.
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