Sep 28Coming Together During a Pandemic
Mercy Housing has had an outpouring of heartwarming support from community organizations, churches, volunteers, and donors like you during the pandemic. Your food and technology donations have made a big difference for residents struggling with hunger, those that are at-risk to leave their homes, and families struggling with virtual learning.
Donated food and cleaning supplies made it possible for thousands of people to live with more confidence and stability at this critical time. Residents have homes to social distance in, but our services go beyond four walls and a roof. Because of the teamwork and collective efforts of so many volunteers, we address other key issues like making sure everyone has food on the table. Over the summer, pantries were filled, meals prepared, and fridges were full. Thanks to their insight and ability to work closely with residents, food and cleaning supply delivery constantly evolves with day-to-day changes.
Thanks to donations of laptops and hot-spots Mercy Housing can better address the digital divide — disparities in access to reliable internet and devices — at communities. This has been a concern for Mercy Housing even before the pandemic. Coronavirus only exacerbated this issue, with families being forced to do school virtually from home. As soon as social distancing began, we teamed up with our partners and community leaders to make sure that residents had the access they need to education and job resources now that everything is online.
We have also received generous donations of toiletries, paper towels, antibacterial soap, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer. Fun packs of games and puzzles help residents to enjoy quiet days at home and find entertainment and learning opportunities whenever they like.
As the pandemic takes a toll, Mercy Housing has found strength and assurance facing these challenges together, with supporters and residents, working toward brighter futures for all. The mercy that everyone has shared with residents keeps us full of hope. We cannot thank you enough for the essential part you have played. These are tough times, but Mercy Housing residents are staying strong. We truly value your contributions — you are making a difference in the lives of residents most affected by the pandemic.
This article is from Community Matters, Mercy Housing’s Fall Newsletter. To read the full newsletter, click here.
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