Aug 03Partnerships That Last
Recently, we received a note of gratitude from a resident that touched our hearts, and keeps us steadfast in supporting Mercy Housing residents.
“Me and my son would like to thank you for helping us with our rent during this pandemic. We have no family in Colorado. It’s just me and my son. Thank you so much for all your help. We love you!” — Daniel and Atreo
The work is not over, however, as we continue to see the need for rental assistance grow each month.
Mercy Housing Mountain Plains has focused on providing housing stability and made it a top priority to find much-needed support for rental assistance, as the inability to pay rent compounds month-over-month.
With the help from many amazing grant funders, donors, and the Resident Relief Fund, Mercy Housing Mountain Plains has helped 39 families with more than $42,500 in rental assistance. Providing stable, affordable housing is at the core of our mission and helps break the cycle of poverty. Helping families stay in their homes means we can continue that mission and support residents when they need it most.
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