Jan 22Did You Know it’s “Thank-uary”?
Our hearts are full, from the generous outpouring of support we received over the 2019 holiday season! Because of the amazing support from community partners, local businesses and so many individuals, Mercy Housing residents are feeling very thankful. With toys, household goods, winter clothing items, 600 laundry detergent pods and much, much more, they truly felt the love. Volunteers also spent countless hours helping at property parties and sharing in festive cheer.
A huge THANK YOU to all those who sponsored a drive, donated items, or volunteered their time with Mercy Housing to make the holidays a little brighter for so many residents!
Nothing says thank you better than seeing all this amazing work in action and all of the happy, smiling faces.
Kentwood Real Estate
For the 4th year in a row, the Kentwood Real Estate team has hosted a toy drive to benefit the kids of Mercy Housing. This year, they went above and beyond by spreading their drive across five of their Colorado branches. Because of their dedication and commitment, they were able to donate hundreds of gifts to residents across multiple properties along the Denver Front Range.
Kindness in Action
Kindness in Action hosted its 5th annual Mercy Housing toy drive for Holly Park in Commerce City. This mighty advocacy group is a family affair, with parents and kids working together to collect donations to help other families in need. Not only do they collect donations, but they also spend a night wrapping presents for residents and sharing in the holiday spirit.
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