Dec 08Adopt-a-Family Holiday Drive

This holiday season, we are partnering with CWD Group, CBRE and Equity Residential properties (i.e. Seventh and James and Harbor Steps Apartments) for our annual Adopt-a-Family Holiday Drive. Many MHNW families live within very limited budgets and find the holidays to be a challenging time. Our partners help us add some holiday cheer by donating gifts for our children and adults, based on wish lists provided by the families.
This year, our efforts will be serving families in Yakima County. Not only do these families receive gifts on their wish list, but our partners also chip in to provide gift cards to local grocery stores, so that each family can enjoy a nice meal together during the holidays. A special thank you to our partners for helping us brighten up the holidays for MHNW families this year. On behalf of MHNW residents and staff, we wish you and your family a happy and peaceful holiday season!

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